Set parallelly in the 1990s and 2019, Chhichhore tells the story of Aniruddh "Anni" Pathak, a middle-aged divorcee whose son Raghav tries to commit suicide after failing to clear an entrance examination, and despite survival, appears unwilling to live. Desperate, Anni goes against the wishes of his former girlfriend turned ex-wife Maya to recount his own experience in a group of 6 friends; as he continues along to convince Raghav, the other five receive news of the tragedy and decide to join their friend in his pain and complete the story, which they cherish as the greatest lesson in their lives.
Director - Nitesh Tiwari
Production - Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment
Producer - Sajid Nadiadwala
Executive Producer - Kavan Ahalpara
Cinematographer - Amalendu Chaudhary
Film Editor - Charu Shree Roy
Casting - Mukesh Chhabra
Costume Designer - Rohit Chaturvedi
Production Designer - Laxmi Keluskar
Chief Assistant Art Director - Krishna Thakur
Following are 3D Design Pre-production Works for film `Chhichhore`.
Maya`s House
Raghav`s Room
Doctor`s Clinic Room
Hospital Corridor
Annirudh House Living Room
Volleyball Global Championship Arena
Badminton Global Championship Arena
 Table Tennis Global Championship Arena
Carrom Global Championship Arena
Weightlifting Global Championship Arena
Chess Global Championship Arena
Running Global Championship Track
Raghav`s Room
Hospital Pharmacy & Waiting Area

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