Meet Anchal Bhalla, a talented Art Director and Production Designer hailing from India. With a Post Graduation diploma in Art Direction and Production Design from the prestigious Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) in Pune and a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts - Applied Art from the College of Art in New Delhi,  Anchal has a solid educational foundation in the arts.
Anchal's passion for art and design led to a successful career in the field, beginning in 2012 as an Artist before transitioning to Art Direction in the film industry. During Anchal's Post Graduation studies, he developed an expertise in plan drawings, 3D sketching, building sets, and executing them in a studio, which has helped him in their subsequent work experiences.
Anchal has gained valuable work experience with renowned advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Gurgaon, India, as an intern in the Assistant Art Direction department. Additionally, Anchal has worked as an Assistant Art Director in TV commercials and feature films, collaborating with many Production Designers in Bollywood, which has increased Anchal's knowledge in constructing sets and managing work with art directors, set constructors, prop masters, sculptors, molders, and painter artists.
With a strong foundation in the arts, a passion for art direction, and 8 years of experience working in the film industry, Anchal is a valuable asset to any project they undertake.

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